
Narrator Theme Topics Keywords Type
Robert Beussman They were fighting for their lives. 1862 Causes of War, Assimilation, Perspectives on 1862 Hunt, Farming, Conversion, Religion, Honesty, Starvation Oral History
Dean Blue All they could see was Indians fighting whites, and yet at the same time, they didn’t know why 1862 Perspectives on 1862, New Ulm Accuracy, New Ulm Oral History
Dr. Clifford Canku Hopefully it would not happen to other people. 1862 Perspectives on 1862, Spirituality, Mankato Hangings Men, Superman, Mankato, Hangings Oral History
Dr. Clifford Canku I would compare it to what's happening to the United States Life Today Perspectives on 1862, U.S. Government Afghanistan, Iraq Oral History
Lisa Besemer “Please give them help. Please give them the money we said we were going to give them.” 1862 Causes of War, Perspectives on 1862 Brown County Historical Society, Letter, Henle Oral History
Robert Beussman Who is right and who is wrong? 1862 Perspectives on 1862 Aftermath, Fairness Oral History
Dean Blue It’s written by white folks. None if it is ever written by Dakota. 1862 Ways of Commemorating, Perspectives on 1862, Camp Release, Wood Lake Accuracy, Camp Release, Wood Lake Oral History
John LaBatte I believe in understanding on both sides 1862 Perspectives on 1862, Leaders in War, Mankato Hangings, Oral History, Marches Ramsey, Guilt, Marches, Soldiers Oral History
George Glotzbach They had a cause against the federal government 1862 Perspectives on 1862, Current Events, U.S. Government Point of View, Attack, Victims Oral History
Frederick Juni Humanity has still not learned to coexist in harmony 1862 Perspectives on 1862 Humanity Oral History
Sandra Geshick Who wouldn’t defend what was theirs? 1862 Perspectives on 1862, Dakota Culture and Values, Spirituality Untruth, Defending, Prayer Oral History
John LaBatte That whole process is very complicated 1862 Perspectives on 1862, Factions, Missionaries, Christianity, Fur Trade, Dakota and Settler Relationships Myrick, LaBatte, Intermarriage, Kinship, Starvation, Lac qui Parle, Acton, Conversion, Big Eagle (Waŋbdí Tháŋka) Oral History
Walter LaBatte The war doesn’t sound like it was very well planned out. 1862 Perspectives on 1862 Gabriel Renville, Factionalism Oral History
Evelyn Eischen They should have tried to find a different way. 1862 Perspectives on 1862, Causes of War Cause Oral History
George Glotzbach We have not learned our lesson yet 1862 Perspectives on 1862, Current Events War, Humanity, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia Oral History
Terry Sveine If everything was taken away from me, I probably would have done the same thing 1862 Perspectives on 1862 Oral History
Sylvan Schumacher War is always that way 1862 Perspectives on 1862 War Oral History
Richard Runck Where do you start, and how far back do you go? 1862 Perspectives on 1862 Oral History
Joan Pendleton I would never treat someone like that, no matter what nationality they were 1862 Perspectives on 1862 Forgiveness Oral History
Byron White “Let them eat grass.” 1862 Perspectives on 1862, U.S. Government Dakota and U.S. Gov't Oral History
Pamela Halverson Our ancestors fought for survival 1862 Causes of War, Survival, Perspectives on 1862 Survival Oral History
Albert Taylor There were so many Dakotas killed, unrecorded. 1862 Perspectives on 1862, Genocide, History Lincoln, Germ Warfare Oral History
Melvin Littlecrow Are we doing the right thing? 1862 Perspectives on 1862, Family in 1862, Little Crow Family, Little Crow Oral History
Ed LaBelle Collateral Damage Shared History Perspectives on 1862, U.S. Government Henry Sibley, Alexander Ramsey Oral History
Myron Taylor These people, those people, our relatives, were fighting for the same thing. 1862 Perspectives on 1862, Aftermath of 1862, Family in 1862, Ways of Commemorating Discrimination, Education, School, Land, History, Christianity, Family, Mankato Hanging Oral History
William Beane I found the birch trees and I knew that was home Growing Up Growing Up Dakota, Family in 1862, Language, Perspectives on 1862, Ways of Commemorating Family, Language, Commemoration, Traders, Military, Fort Snelling Oral History

Viewpoints: All viewpoints expressed on this website are those of the contributors, and are not representative of the Minnesota Historical Society.